My friend and I were discussing my blog the other day and I was telling her that rarely does someone comment on my blog. Do people like it? Love it? Wish it would disappear? She gave me advice and said that if I started blogging everyday that they would start leaving comments. I told her that my life hardly seems exciting enough to write about everyday and that we don't really do much around here. Wouldn't you know after making that statement we have been so busy around here doing stuff that I can hardly keep up telling all my friends and family about it on the blog!
I was excited to use my blog the other day to answer a question about a project we had done this spring. I realized that journaling my family life can be fun and rewarding to look back at.
First, let's talk about my weight. Folks, I am struggling to get motivated again. Wednesday morning the scale was at 175. That's a half pound lighter than the week before. My lowest I reached this summer was 171. I have been weighing in at 176.5 last two mornings. Tracking is my biggest issue. I have been doing my couch to 5K training but I fail to track after breakfast most days. I know that it doesn't matter how much I run if I can't get a grip on what I am putting in my mouth. Tracking calories the rest of my life seems like such a drag. Being overweight seems like a bigger drag. So, here's to trying to track this week for realz and see some progress!
Okay, now on to the fun stuff like hunting.
This was my view on Wednesday night. It doesn't get much better than this!
This is a buck that I passed up. He is bigger than anything I have ever shot with my bow but I know we have bigger ones on camera. I just couldn't bring myself to shoot him and end my season already. The rut will be in full swing the first week of November and I don't want to miss any of it!
This is what a girl with tiny veins (the only tiny thing on my body these days) looks like after giving blood. No, Glen's not beating me. I was just trying to do a good deed and give blood. :)
This is just how things go sometimes. You drop the yogurt container and it proceeds to shoot yogurt clear across your living room. I didn't swear. I promise I didn't.
Yesterday afternoon we headed up to the Chamber of Commerce to go on the Historic Business Tour of Russellville. For some reason I took only this picture. I was too caught up in the cute baby boy in the stroller next to me and listening to Ms. Evelyn who is such a sweetheart! Russellville is such a great town with great history. I have checked out several books at the library about its history and I plan to check them out again now that I know more about where businesses and homes were located.
This was yesterday evening. We went on the cemetery tour. It was really cool to see the graves of the people we had learned about on the historic home tour and the historic business tour. Evan decided he was going to take notes. I just love that he gets into history as much as I do. I can't wait to explore even more down here. Kentucky was the 15th state added to the United States and the history here, and in the surrounding states, is unbelievable!
This couple has a pyramid grave to signify their love for world travels.
In between tours we met Glen at a local family owned restaurant called Slappy'z and had an early dinner. We love Slappy'z and their food. We also stopped at Wal-Mart to buy more goldfish. Someday I need to do a post about our goldfish drama. Let's just say that mama pretty much hates fish at this point.
Tonight, this girl is going to a Casting Crowns, Mandisa, and Sidewalk Prophets concert at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville with some friends from church. I am so excited and I will be taking pictures!
Hope you all have a great day! Remember that life is short so have fun and live it to the fullest!
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