I know it's a little late in the school year to tell you what we are using, but that's life, right?
This year we decided to switch up our curriculum a bit. We had been using My Father's World since my son was in first grade, but this year we made the switch to Heart of Dakota. I like Heart of Dakota, but I am not sure it's any better than MFW, just different.
So here is what we are using this year.
History and Bible curriculum: Heart of Dakota Creation to Christ including Drawn Into the Heart of Reading.
English: Rod and Staff English 5
This is not my sons favorite, but it's a solid English program, and until I find one that I like as well to replace it, we will be using this.
Science: Apologia Zoology 3 - Land Animals of the 6th Day
Math: Teaching Textbooks 5
I also recently bought a membership here at www.notebookingpages.com, and I am really loving it! We can get on here and print out notebooking pages to go along with almost all his schoolwork. We are heading more toward notebooking instead of worksheets for schooling.
Here are some books I am trying to read this school year:
Charlotte Mason Companion
Well Trained Mind
A Thomas Jefferson Education
Educating the WholeHearted Child
I am not sure I will get all of these read this year, but it's definitely something I am going to work toward.
So, that's what we are using this year. I am pretty happy with all of his curriculum, so far. Heart of Dakota does take us longer to do than I anticipated, and I am not sure yet if we will go with it again next year. My son likes it because it has a daily schedule, he can do a lot of it independently, and put check marks beside the box when he's done. He says it makes him feel like he is accomplishing something.
Tell me down below in the comments what you use and if you have a better English curriculum choice for an 11 year old boy. Thanks!
Disclosure: In order for me to help support my family with my blog, I may receive monetary compensation, or other forms of compensation from product reviews, links, endorsements, testimonials, or recommendations. I appreciate your love and support as I try to earn some extra income, so I can stay home and homeschool my son. Much love to you and yours, ~Jenn
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