We recently added the The Resurrection from Grapevine Studies to our daily homeschool routine, and we have enjoyed learning their process for Bible study. I had never heard of this company and their Bible studies before, so I was anxious to try it out with my son. We chose The Resurrection study since it is so close to Easter, and I thought it would be the perfect time to study our Lord's death and resurrection.
The Bible study works by reading a portion of scripture to your child and drawing stick figures on a chalkboard or whiteboard to represent the scene in scripture while your child then traces or draws for himself the same scene on his paper. For example, when Judas hands the money over to betray Christ, you draw a stick figure of Judas, the money, and a stick figure of the person receiving the money. Each stick figure and object that you draw is represented in a different color. Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are all colored in purple and the disciples are all drawn in green. This is my favorite part about this study because I have been doing inductive study this same exact way for almost ten years now. Of course, I don't draw stick figures, but my Bible is marked with purple to represent persons in the trinity, brown for sin, and so on. I did have to go on the website to find the colors that we needed to use that represented the different people and topics. I also was a bit confused on how to actually start the study and teach it correctly, but I went on their website to research it and found most of the answers I was looking for. They also include a weekly verse for your child to memorize in each section of the study.
I decided to do the traceable worksheets with my son because we were so new to the curriculum that I wanted it to be easy for use to grasp. The traceable pages are great and really help the child learn what is expected in their drawings. Looking back, I would have chosen the non-traceables for my son instead. This Bible study curriculum is solid on studying God's Word, and for younger children I think it would be very good to help them learn scripture at a deeper level. For my son, who is almost twelve, it was a bit too easy for him and he often traced ahead while I was reading. Using the non-traceable sheets may have prevented this, or not...(children apparently have a mind of their own...who knew.)
I definitely think I may try this curriculum again without the traceable sheets and maybe a higher grade level. Looking through the website I see that they have many options for older children. If I would have known about this curriculum when my son was younger, I would have definitely started him out on this. Like I said earlier, I love inductive study and marking in my Bible, and this curriculum is a beginner course for learning how to do that. This Bible study on The Resurrection and many others are available at Grapevine Studies. Their website offers a combination of physical and digital products. I hope you enjoyed this review, and if you have any questions, please comment below.
The Bible study works by reading a portion of scripture to your child and drawing stick figures on a chalkboard or whiteboard to represent the scene in scripture while your child then traces or draws for himself the same scene on his paper. For example, when Judas hands the money over to betray Christ, you draw a stick figure of Judas, the money, and a stick figure of the person receiving the money. Each stick figure and object that you draw is represented in a different color. Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are all colored in purple and the disciples are all drawn in green. This is my favorite part about this study because I have been doing inductive study this same exact way for almost ten years now. Of course, I don't draw stick figures, but my Bible is marked with purple to represent persons in the trinity, brown for sin, and so on. I did have to go on the website to find the colors that we needed to use that represented the different people and topics. I also was a bit confused on how to actually start the study and teach it correctly, but I went on their website to research it and found most of the answers I was looking for. They also include a weekly verse for your child to memorize in each section of the study.
I decided to do the traceable worksheets with my son because we were so new to the curriculum that I wanted it to be easy for use to grasp. The traceable pages are great and really help the child learn what is expected in their drawings. Looking back, I would have chosen the non-traceables for my son instead. This Bible study curriculum is solid on studying God's Word, and for younger children I think it would be very good to help them learn scripture at a deeper level. For my son, who is almost twelve, it was a bit too easy for him and he often traced ahead while I was reading. Using the non-traceable sheets may have prevented this, or not...(children apparently have a mind of their own...who knew.)
I definitely think I may try this curriculum again without the traceable sheets and maybe a higher grade level. Looking through the website I see that they have many options for older children. If I would have known about this curriculum when my son was younger, I would have definitely started him out on this. Like I said earlier, I love inductive study and marking in my Bible, and this curriculum is a beginner course for learning how to do that. This Bible study on The Resurrection and many others are available at Grapevine Studies. Their website offers a combination of physical and digital products. I hope you enjoyed this review, and if you have any questions, please comment below.
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