My husband and son have been working on putting food plots in for deer season. We have five of them and two of them are quite large. We like to ride or walk out and check them often to see how they are coming along.
We also planted a garden and it seems to be doing well so far. This is the first time I have ever started seeds indoors and they have lived when being transplanted. I have a good row of tomatoes going. They are my prized possession since I want to put up as many canned tomatoes as possible this year.
We have a row of strawberries we planted this spring. I ate one berry and a critter proceeded to eat the rest. There weren't many to eat since this is their first year planted.
I've been running again and ran a 4K a couple weekends ago for our local library. It was a slow time, but I finished without walking and I wasn't last place. Those are the only two rules I give myself for races right now until I can get faster and stronger. I have another 5K this Saturday.
I also made my own laundry detergent which I like so far. I have been working on cleaning out the house and getting rid of stuff that we don't use. That's one of the necessities when having a small house.... you must purge often.
We are still a one vehicle family at this point. It has it's challenges, but we are getting along quite well. I think my favorite thing about having one vehicle is the simplicity of it. You have one car to insure, buy tags for, and no mindless shopping trips to spend money that you don't have.
We finished up most of our school lessons for the year except English and math. We will be working on math throughout the summer and we have ten more English lessons to complete.
We had a thirty hour famine at our church a couple weekends ago to raise money for awareness of world hunger. I stayed at the church with the youth and participated in the fasting with them. Let me tell you something....thirty hours is a long time to go without food. Every time I got hungry, I would think about all the children in the world who go longer than thirty hours without food.
The idea of having chickens is still being tossed around, but I can't decide if we should or not. I really want it all. I want chickens, pigs, beef cows, and a milk cow. For now, I will settle for a garden and continue working on my canning skills. My bread making skills are getting better and better, and I have been making loaves to give to friends who are requesting more so that's a nice compliment.
It's May in Kentucky, and as I sit here at my bedroom window, the wild roses are blooming and there are birds on the bird feeder. The smell of honeysuckle is starting to penetrate the air, and the deer are growing their velvety antlers. I love spring in Kentucky!
Have a great day folks!
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